Well, here goes… everything!


Check. Check. Is this thing on?

Hi and welcome to the start of something exciting! Something I've been secretly working on behind-the-scenes for months now in hopes of one day inviting everyone else along for the ride. Well, I guess you can say that day has come.

When I started this whole adventure, a dear friend (and extremely experienced businesswoman) of mine asked me what I'd like to set out and accomplish. My response? I wanted to develop a brand that reflected me. Everything I'm about. From my love of the amazing province we live in, to the lovely people I've grown to know, to the amazing experiences I've been lucky enough to share. I wanted to develop something that helped the people I love to work with bring their messages to a greater audience through neat, innovative ways. And so... the wheels started to turn, the brainstorming began, and months later, Up Public Relations was born.

For those of you who don't know me, what you see is exactly what you get (and I do this on purpose). The way I see it, Up and I walk hand-in-hand. Everything that I do reflects what you will all see in Up, and vise-versa. I feel like that level of authenticity is something that has been ingrained in me from a young age, and something I am truly proud of. I work hard to grow and maintain relationships of all kinds by listening and getting to know people, all the while, allowing them to get to know me as a person. To me, this is important in building lasting relationships. My hope is that over the years, Up will allow me to continue building these relationships that I am truly thankful to have.

Although I'm no longer a member of academia, I'll forever be an eager and willing student. And so for me, September will always feel like the start of something new. Whether it be the start of a new school year, the start of a new job, or the start of a new adventure, September is great for a new, fresh start. That being said, it only seemed fitting to use this September to officially launch Up Public Relations, in all it's Nova Scotia loving glory.

So... take a look around. And visit again soon as I continue to keep you Up to date (literally) on everything to do with this adventure.


Nowhere to go but… Up!