UPgrading your online presence

What online channels should I be using? How many? How often? Where will I see my biggest ROI?

These are all super common questions we receive, and all totally valid. The answers, however, are a little more complicated than a simple yes or no. For a lot of people, the idea of digital communications can be a daunting thing — often ending in people questioning what will work best for their company. That’s where we come in!

So, in a ever-changing world of the 240 character tweet and the constant Instagram scroll, how do you set yourself apart? Enter: the e-newsletter.

E-newsletters are an important component of any integrated digital communications strategy and something we love working on with our clients. While each post does take time to develop, the return of being consistent is often well worth the effort. To help you learn more about this, we’ve come up with our top five benefits of e-newsletters and why you should consider one.

  1. Connect with your client regularly in their inbox. This is a friendly place to have a one on one with someone without distraction from other social media. Remind them of offers, promos or send helpful info about your business that will benefit them (and you).

  2. They are a great way to share your blog posts or most recent projects by sending clients directly to your website.

  3. Social media isn’t going to cut it forever. Emails are statistically more likely to be seen than an Instagram or Facebook post. You don’t own your social media followers (that’s Zuckerburg). But, you do own your newsletter and the list of emails you’ve collected.

  4. People are more likely to buy a product from an email. How many times have you bought something or went somewhere because of something you’ve received in your inbox? I’ve lost count!

  5. There is money in the list. The online marketing world has estimated that 1 email subscriber = $1/month on average. Now, math may not be our strong suit (we’re creatives!), but we do know that whether you have 10 or 10,000 subscribers, that’s cash in your pocket.

  6. Email lists work whether you’re product-based, service-based, a brick and mortar shop or an educator. They’re so flexible and can work exactly the way you need them to.

And there we have it! Now, go forth and prosper! And if you have any questions about enewsletters or other ways to up your communications game, feel free to drop us a line through our website or on social. We’d love to hear from you!


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